Thursday, May 19, 2011

Judaism, Early Christianity How woman and slaves Video

It's amazing how it was said back in that time that, "It was often through the wives that Christianity penetrated the upper classes of society in the first instance." "The Early Church". According to this video, about 330 C.E declared that Christianity, the official religion of the acts, might empire it. It looked as though it was going to be the official religion in Rome by the influence of women. However, Christianity shook the Roman world in the second through the fourth century. The Christian women offered care to the Romans sick and the dying pagan neighbors. There intention was to show them much love, togetherness. By doing this the pagan at Rome began being converted over to Christianity. These were intangible factors that led the pagans to Christianity. They proved their philosophical viability to the detriment of its competitors. It also was said that Christianity became the official religion to via slaves in Ethiopia. Christianity is all about selflessness. denying one self. Having compassion on others. However, there were other religions that were spoken of in these videos. On the other hand Christianity is still growing until this day. There are so many that are converting from Judaism to Christianity. What is your opinion about this? I would like to hear your views on this.



  1. Great start team 1....lots of blogging already, and I really like the thematic backgrounds! I look forward to reading through your posts as the course progresses, but a great start! Well done Team 1!

  2. Personally I think more people are converting Christianity, because out of the three main religions, Christianity is the most "Approachable" religion. Is not as extreme, or strict as others. It does not affect normal life details, such as interaction with people, dress code ect. Books like the New Testament, the Gospels and other similar ones portray Christianity and its spread in a very passionate way, that was able to capture many individual's interest. (Francesca Di leo group 3)

  3. I agree with Francy. Christianity is spread in a compassionate way, and with this religion, people seem to have a much better outlook on life and the after life. Christianity is the more logical approach and much easier for people to believe.

    (Richard Cottrell group 1)

  4. I can see where Christianity is the most approachable religion now and, without a doubt, a person following the beliefs taught in the modern version of the new testament will lead what most in our society think is a good and moral life. But in history Christianity was given a pass as the judge, jury, and executioner during the inquisition and witch hunts in a more modern setting. As it has evolved its obviously taken a more passive role in our society but at some points in history the christian religion was very unforgiving to those unwilling to convert just like many of the other major religions of the time.

    Shywan Adamski Group 5

  5. I appreciated the perspective that showing compassion to the poor and providing assistance to those in need may be an undervalued component to the growth of Christianity. The Pagans seeing a religion in action that valued service, humility, and giving would have surely resonated in a world where few people had wealth or opportunity, and along comes this 'new' religion that really would speak to the masses. Well said.

  6. Christianity have changed its face. It used to be persecuting and damning although it teaches its followers to love. Now, missionaries travel the world and teach of his inescapable love. The Christian faith also has man other sub-groups with Baptists, Free Will, and even Catholic is Christian faith. If you believe in Christ you are Christian, hence the name. The reason it is so widely spread is that people are taught about the love and compassion of Christ. It's fairly easy to be a Christian because all you have to do is believe he is real, Church isn't necessarily a part of the religion, all you have to do is claim his name and thus you are saved. You can do it in your own home, and you will have a since of peace and that you will go to Heaven because of that. In America, Christianity is part of our government which I believe has a huge impact on the loyalties of American followers, and I believe it was placed into our politics for social control. I'm a converted Agnostic from Christianity so I my be bias and this is only my educated opinion.

    -Grace Pittman
