Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rise of Sumerian Culture. Apes, Evolution, or Aliens?

And then there was a civilization. It seems that a modern man sprouted out from nowhere. Though we see some progression in early man developing a culture, it is nothing compared to the marvels that the Sumerians accomplished. How is it that the Sumerians came to be? How could one civilization achieve so much so fast? Is it the fast headway that we humans seem to always encompass? The ever-growing character or instinct to evolve? Or is it something entirely different? Instead of developing these skills on their own, were the Sumerians taught these abilities? For those who can decipher the Sumerian language, they say yes.
The Sumerian culture depicts many incredible and somewhat unbelievable things. They were the first civilization to build their villages on artificial mounds to protect them from floods. They fashioned bricks from molds. They practiced year-round agriculture and advanced cultivation like mono-cropping and organized irrigation along with domesticating animals. They started the idea of social classes and used specialized labor to build public projects. Their art was more refined and they used an unrelated language and speech compared to following empires, which later on the Babylonians would adapt and modify. Not only that, the Sumerians had knowledge and understanding of astrology and astronomy. Along with this came math. They seemed to wield this newfound form to build amazing structures like their giant staircase and ramp ziggurat temples. The Sumerians also started what we know of today as religion.
The Sumerians believed in gods that they called the “Anunnaki”, or also known as “those who descended from heaven.” They were aliens from another planet called “Nibiru” that was the 12th member of our solar system which came close to earth in its 3,600 year orbit. Once landing on earth the Anunnaki set up a colony called “Eden” and began to create a hybrid slave mixing the DNA of early man with that of their own. The Anunnaki were the gods that looked like us and walked among us. They were “the teachers”.
Does all of this sound really farfetched? Is it easier to believe that we evolved from apes or that an all-powering divine being created the world in six days? When it comes to this, I’m somewhat on the fence. I was raised in the Christian faith but also believe in evolution. When it comes to that debate, science has proven that evolution does indeed happen. But what about man? Does this “alien theory” fill in the gaps of our lineage? Take the very existence of human beings. Why is it that every other creature on this planet can find a natural harmony with its environment, but we can’t? Is it because we were never meant to be this smart and evolved only to this point by someone intervening? Are we the “wrench” that has been thrown into the machine? If one doesn’t believe in the text translations, one could just look at the pictorial evidence. Why do these tablets show what appears to be men in spaceships? Or an accurate representation of our solar system? Or the Sumerians being taught? Or the Anunnaki wearing what looks like wrist watches and pushing buttons of some sort? What about the obvious parallelism to their stories and our bible of today? One can argue that all history is inaccurate because it is the opinion and translation of someone else’s encounter.
So what do you think? I realize that there are no conclusive answers, only questions. But do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

By James Youngs

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