Sunday, June 26, 2011

The dissolution of the intellectual dark age of the Greek and the Roman brought what would be the rebirth in literature, science, religion, politics and would sculpt the art world as we know it today. A bridge from the dark ages to the modern era, and at the crest of this cultural movement, Michelangelo, Leonardo da vinci and other masters would prevail as the blue print of true Renaissance men. The renaissance took place from roughly the 14th to the 17th century. With it’s origins in Italy, and continuing to the rest of Europe by the 16th century.
One of the internal forces that drove and supported this epic art movement was the Medici family. A banking family and ducal ruling house, which would lead in supporting the growth for such influential artist, with Lorenzo de Medici commissioning works from Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Michelangelo Buonarroti. This period in time would not only encourage a new way of self awareness, but a way to leave your signature in art. Classical masterpieces would echo in eternity, The Pieta and David by Michelangelo, the countless medical studies and sketches by Leonardo de Vinci one being the Vitruvian Man, a sketch illustrating a perfectly proportioned man. Hundreds of years later what we translate as beautiful holds roots to a time when men had a passion for art, humanism, and the ability to create it with nothing more than by the hands God gave them. From architecture, to politics and to the way we personify the creation of man; the renaissance would be the marker by mankind would be measured.

                                                                                        by Tassili Ledezma

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