Friday, June 24, 2011

The Gothic Era: The Era of the Amazing Architecture

It can be stated that throughout history great works of art and architecture were developed such as the Egyptian Pyramids and The Great Wall of China. The Gothic Era brought out even more intricate architecture. During the Gothic Era, the great cathedrals came about. The building of these cathedrals began in 1200 AD-1400 AD. These cathedrals were composed of some specific “structural innovations” which include pointed arches and vaults, ribs, and flying buttresses. These innovations make these architectural works stand out when compared to other works. The Royal Abbey of St. Denis, located in Paris, started the whole idea of the amazing cathedrals. Other cathedrals that were created include Notre-Dame, Sainte-Chapelle, and Saint-Maclou. Most cathedrals were created with many windows. In the windows of Notre-Dame, for example, the Life of Jesus is represented. Most of the cathedrals are located in Europe, since this is where the Gothic Era began. Now, we have seen what these amazing architectural works look like, but what are their purposes? The cathedrals were built as a symbol of god, his power, and how much people respect him. The word cathedral comes from the Greek noun καθέδρα (cathedra) which means seat and refers to the presence of the bishops’ chair or throne. From these meanings we can conclude that the cathedrals were for religious purposes and that they were very sacred. Even though some cathedrals were destroyed, we have the privilege of having some still standing today, even here in our United States.       


posted by MGR


  1. I was interested on what where you going to talk about from the beginning. But the led down was that you where only interested on talking about the cathedral, where there was more to be explain about the Gothic Era, but didn't mention how it was also to worship the light. Over all it was a good Post, could have used some good images and videos. Also I couldn't help it to see that you didn't talk more about the Architectural fixtures something that it is what makes the Gothic Cathedral stand out, just mentioning is not enough, but using examples would have help the reader visualize the work very well. Over all I did like the post and commend you for it it was good,so next time my advice is to use examples and you can make it better.
    Team Two.

  2. The title grasped my attention right away but; what was so amazing about the architecture of this era? Characteristics of architecture during this time arose from masons’ efforts to solve problems associated with the heavy stonework involved in the cathedrals. This is how the ribbed vaults and flying buttress came into origin. The ribs and piers gave relief to the wall spaces allowing the walls to be built thinner. With the thinner walls also came the opportunity to add large windows for more light to shine through. These innovations enabled the masons to build much larger and taller buildings with more complicated ground plans.
    The cathedrals are amazing buildings and to include pictures would really help for others to grasp the intricate details.

  3. Dave from the Macdill team

    I agree that the aesthetics of the Gothic Era are moving and complicated, but I think the truly astonishing architecture and shear magnitude of the pyramids dwarfs in comparison. The fact that thousands of tons of stone were moved and elevated in the manner the Egyptians used shows human ingenuity at its finest. Cathedrals are grand and beautiful and showed incredible craftsman ship in the many intricacies that lace them, but the simplicity and the beauty we will never know of the polished limestone that used to line these magnificent tombs in my eyes far outdoes Gothic Era architecture.
